The relationship between Pakistan and India in PUBG takes a dark turn.

 The world has become a global village since the advent of the internet. People from all over the world can now easily connect with one another; games have even evolved into social media chat platforms, connecting people. Individuals presently mess around like PUBG and furthermore interface with the members from various areas of the planet.

 Although the development of the internet has greatly benefited society, it has almost always destroyed the minds of younger generations. Recently, a story about a Pakistani girl named Seema allegedly fleeing with an Indian friend to Nepal is making the rounds on social media.

The girl, who was 27 years old at the time, was already married to a man named Haider and had four children with him. She connected with her Indian friend in Nepal and fled to India; her children are also with her, whereas her Pakistani husband wants his children.

 The woman is not prepared to travel to Pakistan. She is opposed to sending her children to Pakistan. Watch the full meeting of the woman.

Practically every one individuals are saying that she has made an extremely off-base stride and soon she will come to be familiar with her off-base choice. Many people on social media believed that she had been duped, that she had left her country and home, and that she had also changed her religion. "After having four kids, she's complaining about not getting real love in life," a social media user wrote. A few people even suggested that it also appears to be a concocted story because she is speaking in pure Hindi and sounds like an Indian.

 The majority of people who used social media criticized the young woman and said that she would get into trouble for a false love. "She should send the kids to her husband," a social media user wrote.

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